Welcome to Legacy Quarterly, the magazine that four times a year will bring you fifty plus pages of high quality color photos and great stories. This publication fulfills a lifetime dream of showcasing the Massey Harris Ferguson brand. I hope you enjoy it as much as my small staff enjoys bringing it to you.
Legacy Quarterly News
  • Issue #3 was mailed on June 30 and is the combine special issue. It features the history of grain harvesting and how it related to the Massey Harris Company as well as the high quality color photography that you have come to expect. There is a special section on Australian harvesters, experimental Wallis and Ferguson combines and many other great stories. This is an issue that you won’t want to miss!

  • July marks the release of the first in a series of DVD’s. See the ad and printable order form listed under WHAT’S NEW right here on the website.

  • Issue #2 was released at the end of March and features the Massey Ferguson 1100 Series tractors. There are a few copies of collectable Issue #1 still available. They may be ordered for $10, which includes mailing. New subscribers who order before the end of April will have Issue #2 mailed to them at no extra cost.

  • See our full color ad

Issue Outtakes

Welcome to Legacy Quarterly , the magazine that four times a year will bring you 68 pages of high quality color photos and great stories. This publication fulfills a lifetime dream of showcasing the Massey Harris Ferguson brand. I hope you enjoy it as much as my small staff enjoys bringing it to you.
Legacy Quarterly News

    I’m sorry this is so late coming out. We had a major wind storm, which caused a lot of damage to our trees and fences. We will be a long time getting it cleaned up.

    As I write this on July 19th, the July issue has mostly been delivered here in the states. The mail was slower than usual due to the July 4th holiday. I haven’t been notified of any deliveries in Canada as of yet.

    I have gotten a lot of good response to the feature article on the Massey-Harris Model 55. There was a lot of information packed into that article. Much of that information was from primary sources that were supplied by Daren Meyers that originated from his family’s Massey-Harris dealership.

    There were also articles on: Drive Your Tractor to School Day, the story of Dakota Implement in Devils Lake, North Dakota, Tales from Massey Engineering, an Extended Letters from Richard Rains and Glen Haskell. And of course, eight pages of letters and photos sent in by Legacy readers.

    Please take note that the October issue will feature Working Tractors. When we ran that feature last fall, the response was so great that it took us two issues to get all of the submissions published. We include them in the order in which we receive them. So, if you want to be in the October issue, get your submissions in right away. Anything that shows your tractor at work: pulling wagons, mowing, raking, plowing, discing, baling hay, or just entertaining the grandkids. As usual, we will include all submissions, even if we can’t get them all into the fall issue. Digital images are preferred but you can still send me prints if you wish. Be sure to take your photos in the horizontal position–not vertical–and send them full/actual size. If you have any questions, give us a call!

    Also, if you still have–or have access to–the original tractors that you grew up with, let me know. I am working on a special project which I hope to put together if I have enough response. If you have an old photo of you as a child with this tractor, that would be even better.

    Don’t forget that you can preorder your Legacy Quarterly calendars anytime. We will try to hold the price to what it was last year. With two postage increases, we’ll have to crunch some numbers.

    Don’t forget that you can still order many of the back issues. We are out of several but many are still available. See the ad listed here: (7.)

    Also, we have a nice selection of posters that are available. Click here to see a selection of the posters that are available.. Postal rates are changing so you will have to call for an exact price. The poster measure 12” high by 18” wide.

  • LQ #58 was in the mail the first week of April. Delivery was very slow with some subscribers not getting their issue until the third week.

    The feature article was on the Massey Ferguson 2000 Series tractors. We had done an article on this model several years ago but many readers pointed out that this tractor should have been included in the six-part history of the Massey Ferguson Company. Bigger tractors, more horsepower and greater operator comfort were the loud and persistent demands of the North American farmer in the mid 1970’s. In our extensive company history, we excluded one important chapter; the MF 2000 Series tractor. Rushing it into production, trying to beat Allis Chalmers, John Deere and the other major players, lead to short cuts in field testing–with disastrous results. As former MF engineer Jim Clark told me, marketing was always pushing engineering to move things to dealers as quickly as possible. Another year of field testing and on-farm research with these tractors would have made all the difference in the world.

    The article included many charts, graphs and sales figures to help readers understand that this model was a big deal. A great deal of money was spent on research and development. This was the tractor that was going to push them ahead of Deere, International. Allis Chalmers and all of the other brands. Unfortunately, the race to be the first on the market proved to be disastrous. The recall that followed lead to the demise of many Massey Dealers. (photos 1-8)

    We also featured Kentucky Massey collector Marty Richie. Marty is a big fan of Massey Ferguson Lawn & Garden tractors and has amassed quite a collection. He also has a nice group of Massey utility tractors and is continuing to add to it all the time. The article is an interesting interview with a collector who is really passionate about these little tractors. He dream is to own a Massey Ferguson Model 4900 tractor. And, as you will see in the next issue, that dream has become a reality.

    Also include is an article on the toy collection of Gary, Drew and Dane Emsweller. It was written by toy expert, Fred Hendricks. The article includes a sidebar written by Gary Emsweller about how their toy collection recently expanded. (photos 13-16)

    In the next few issues, I will give readers a chance to read about some of you long-term contributors who have helped to make Legacy Quarterly a successful publication. The April edition feature Quebec resident, Gordon Barnett. I think that you will find that Gordon is a very interesting and knowledgeable guy who has contributed much over the years. (photo 17)

    In the next issue, we will go back to the Massey-Harris Models 55 and 555. These were big tractors in their day and were a reliable source of power for plowing on the Great Plaines of the United States and the prairies of Canada. (photo 18)

  • LQ #57 will be running a little late in that there were two three-day work weeks because of Christmas and New Year’s. I am writing this on January 11 and the magazines will be at the mail house today. All copies that are mailed out of the US are sent from our international mail house in Kalamazoo, Michigan. As you might guess, that takes a little longer.

  • M-H 200 Series Feature (photos #1-#6)
    The January edition is a special issue covering the Massey-Harris 200 Series tractors. It is sixteen pages of in-depth information, photos, advertising, company brochures and a wealth of unpublished data and serial numbers. We have also rounded up many of the serial #1 tractors and a very rare Model 201 Distillate prototype. Also included are charts and graphs that list production years, numbers produced and available options.

    These were beautiful tractors whose styling and design was years ahead of any other company. The use of Chrysler six-cylinder engines was also another first that made these low-production models highly collectable. Also, because of their low production numbers, they still maintain excellent monetary value.

    I would like to thank Ervin Chew, Keith Oltrogge, Bill Parish, Antique Power editor Rick Mannen and especially Daren Meyers for the valuable help in putting this special feature together.

    Working Tractors (photo #7-#10)
    I had several contributors that I couldn’t fit into the last issue (LQ #56) Working Tractors feature. I promised that we wouldn’t leave anyone out, so the January issue include Working Tractors Part II. If you like seeing old Massey and Ferguson tractors hard at work, you don’t want to miss this.

    Canadian Farmerettes from World War II (photos #11-#14)
    Canadian contributor, Bonnie Sitter, has put together an excellent historical piece about women who joined the Farmerette Program to keep up food production after the men–and especially the farm boys–were drafted to fight in World War II. Bonnie has been on a mission to persuade the Canadian Government to issue a special postage stamp to honor the women from all over Canada who were a part of this important program. She has made presentations to many civic groups and lobbied members of parliament to make this happen. So far, it is still on hold. Of all the women featured in the excellent photos, one woman–Barbara Wilson Murray is still with us. She turned one-hundred last year.

    Rare Tractors (photo #15-#19)
    I had asked that any readers who had what might be considered a “Rare Tractor” to send me photos, a brief history and a photo of the serial # tag. I received some interesting submissions ranging from maybe rare to probably one-of -a-kind. I plan to continue this into the next issue, so if you didn’t get a chance to submit your tractor, you still have time!

    The First Detroit Built Ferguson T0-20. (photos #20-#24)
    Robert Sybrandy and David Lory put together an excellent article and photo essay documenting the beginning production of Harry Ferguson’s goal to produce his new Ferguson tractor in the United States. These formerly unpublished photos are an amazing record to the very first Ferguson tractor to roll off the production line. Starting with the rear axle and differential, manufactured by Borg Warner to the finished tractor, we see Harry Ferguson and Herman Klemm inspecting the first tractor as it rolls down the line. The serial #1 tractor is still intact and is in the possession of the Massey-Harris Twin Power Club in Ontario. The photos were furnished by the Klemm family archives.

    Massey Ferguson 410 Combine (photos #25-#28)
    Every little kid wants something special that most other kids don’t have. At five years of age, I had a pony. Until we got a place ready for it at my great-grandmother’s farm, we kept in my backyard in the small town of Groveport, Ohio. All the kids in the neighborhood would come over hoping for a Pony ride. I charged the neighbor girls 5 cents to brush him. Now, meet Forrest Lones, who has one of the largest and most unusual playgrounds I have ever seen. And yes, this very large playground is the envy of all his friends. The Lones family: up top is Forrest Lones, Jacob Lones, Forrest’s dad, grandpa Todd Lones, great-grandpa Fred Lones.


    Massey Ferguson 1100 Nebraska Test
    Former Massey Ferguson engineer, Jim Clark, shares some fascinating stories of how he worked with the tractor lab and the University of Nebraska to conduct Test #1049. It was the first V-8 Diesel tractor that had been tested and the whole story is very interesting. Included is the actual test result sheet from the Tractor Lab.

    How Big is Too Big?
    This originated from a phone call from subscriber Mike Herr from Ennismore, Ontario. His dad worked in a Massey-Harris dealership in the 1930’s and a customer came in to shop for a new combine. When he saw the new Massey Model 26 combine he remarked that it was the biggest combine that a farmer would ever need. Read Mike’s letter and see how the story played out!

    Letters from Readers
    As usual, there are eight pages of interesting letters and photos from Legacy readers.

    Credit Card Orders
    Sadly, because of rapidly increasing bank fees, we have had to start charging a $2.00 convenience fee for credit card orders. We can no long absorb these bank cost and stay in business. If subscribers in the United States pay by check, there is no additional fee.



    LQ #56 was mailed the first week of October. This issue featured a cover photo of a Massey Ferguson 1150 taken by John Gulick. It is a departure from the type of cover photo that we have used in the past but it has generated rave reviews from readers. Thanks to John for having a good artistic eye and the skills to capture the final image.

    The center piece of this issue was the special feature on Working Tractors. Forty collectors submitted photos and information about their favorite Massey and/or Ferguson tractors. Some of the photos were spectacular. In fact, we ran out of space and so will continue those that were not included in the January issue. (photos 1,2,3,4)

    The second feature was an exclusive article on the role of the Massey-Harris Company in the post-World War II Marshall Plan. Written by Chase Fleece, a graduate student from Bowling Green State University, the article included never before published photos of Massey-Harris tractors shipped from Racine, Wisconsin to Paris, France. Agriculture production by French farmers was low because most were suffering from malnutrition. Most of the horses and oxen had been killed during the war and tractors were mostly nonexistent. (photos 5,6,7)

    Other articles included the rebuilding of a Massey Ferguson Model 50 and Iowa native Nathan Kroeger who restored his grandfather’s M-H 44-6 and won first prize at the Iowa State Fair. (photo 8)

    Don’t forget to order your 2024 Legacy Quarterly Calendar. They are $12 in the US, $15 to Canada and $20 to all EU countries. All payments in USD.

    Remember, if you didn’t get around to sending us photos of your working tractor, you can still get into the January issue.

    Finally, in the January issue, LQ #57, we are going to feature rare tractors. If you think that maybe you have something with a very low serial number or unusual model or configuration, let us know. See the ad on this homepage. (photo 9)


    The July issue of Legacy Quarterly was delivered almost a week behind schedule due to labor issues at the printer and Fourth of July Holiday.

    I have already gotten a lot of positive feedback from the two feature articles. The “Life and Times of Harry Bowen” was very well received. Harry furnished us with many excellent old family photos. The article first started out as a piece about the Massey-Harris Pulverator Plow. Harry had sent me a packet of test results from the North Dakota Ag College. They had done extensive testing on the plow in 1930. The packet contain a large collection of old photos illustrating some of the tests that were conducted.

    I thought that readers who did know Harry and his family would enjoy reading about the family’s background in farming and as a Massey-Harris Dealer. It was a very interesting documentation of history and pleasant day gone by.

    The other feature chronicled the rare Massey-Harris-Ferguson Models 303 and 404 Work Bull Industrial tractors. Montgomery, Minnesota resident Glenn Wondra shares his serial #1, M-H-F Model 404 Diesel Work Bull, which still works hard to earn its keep. Even more rare, is the M-H-F 303 Diesel tractors. We only knew of two that exist and since then I have heard for another reader who also has one. Hopefully, we will find even more!

    We will be making some major changes and upgrades to the website in the very near future. Check back in August and try out some of the new features!

    Thanks, Gary Heffner, editor.


    The April issues of Legacy Quarterly was delivered to most subscribers by the second and third week of April. This was our 4th Special Combine Issue and concluded our five-part history of the Massey Company with the final chapter devoted to the history of Massey Combines. To try and make this very complicated piece of history easier to follow, we included a six-page timeline written by Ontario resident Ray Bianchi. The entire feature, including the timeline was twenty-three page long. It includes a lot of information and many formerly unpublished photos and information from the Massey Ferguson engineering department.

    As you can see by looking at the table of contents, other articles in this issue included Harvesting Blueberries in Nova Scotia with a Massey Ferguson Model 253, David Lory’s MHF Work Bull tractor with a Stilt Kit, Indiana resident Layne Harishefger’s beautifully restored MF 1150 and interesting “Extended Letters” from Ontario resident, Wayne Shaw, Wisconsin resident, Ed Hass and Alabama native, Ray Humphries.

    Also of note, in the October issue, we will run our special feature called Working Tractors. It is a chance for subscribers to get out their favorite tractor and send us some photos of it hard at work. Tillage, hay making, mowing, grading, or just driving it around the farm; we want to include you and your family in the October issue of Legacy Magazine. Email your photos or send us prints by mail, either way make sure that your favorite tractor is not left out. If you have questions about how to send digital photos by email or text, give me a call.

    Because DVD’s are pretty much an obsolete format, we are going to start posting some of our many videos that we have compiled over the years on the website, legacyquarterly.com Some of these, we produced and others are copies of old factory films that we have collected and sold over the years. They range from old films of Wallis tractors being built to factory films of the Massey Ferguson 2000 Series tractors. Check the website from time to time to see what is new.

    If you missed any of the five-part, History of the Massey Company, back issues can be ordered so you don’t miss any of the segments.

Issue Outtakes